Thursday, November 25, 2010

Stock Takes: Michael Hill eyes reality TV show

He's known for his jewellery stores, golf course and beautiful yacht and now Michael Hill could also be involved in a reality television show.
The wealthy business-owner has suggested a show could be a possibility as part of his Ultimate Engagement Ring competition.
Hill is using American reality TV star Kim Kardashian to promote the competition which offers the chance for couples in New Zealand, Australia, the US and Canada to win a 22.25-carat diamond ring.
He told members of the New Zealand Shareholders Association at their annual awards dinner last week that filming Kardashian was part of the deal and it could lead to a TV show.
But he admitted neither he nor his wife were big fans of reality TV. Asked whether he had watched much of the US star's show Keeping up with the Kardashians he said his wife had watched about 15 minutes before turning it off.
Hill says he is in the process of revamping all his jewellery stores after learning a lot from entering the tough US market.
A new range of jewellery is also expected to be launched before Christmas after Hill hired a new designer from a firm linked to United States investment guru Warren Buffet.
He is also planning a perfume range.
Shares in Michael Hill International closed steady on 80c yesterday.

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